June 14, 2008

on karma and Bookmooch

A friend told me that the oracles have foretold that the year 2008 will be a karmic year. Meaning we will be reaping what we have sown this year. If you’ve been killing people for the past few years then you will be killed…or something like that. She asked me if I agree with this, I told her that I haven’t had any particulary bad or good experiences lately and everything is pretty normal or average just like every year. She told me perhaps that I have good karma. I didn’t give this karma thingy much thought until this morning. I realized that books seem to be pouring from every direction. Just before lunch I am a proud owner of Love in the Time of Cholera and 100 years of Solitude by Gabriel Marquez and what did it cost me? Almost nothing…so ok I have to trade The Devil Wears Prada and a Sheldon book but compared to a Gabriel Marquez? It is to me, almost nothing. Thanks to a friend who's selling second hand books.Plus a Salman Rushdie book is coming my way and a couple of others absolutely free, Thanks to Bookmooch. I believe that these books are replacements for those that I have lost. There were sooo many books that were borrowed and not returned to me*sigh* I won't go into details because it will only depress me.

Back to bookmooch, it is such a great site to trade books because it is international. You can trade books with anyone across the globe. You just have to shoulder the shipping fee for the books that you will be sending. I have problems with book storage and wanted to relieve myself of old books that I have outgrown like Sidney Sheldon, Patricia Cornwell and a couple of historical romances (which features Fabio). I didn’t know that someone somwehere is willing to trade foe this books. Bookmooch is such a treasure trove for book lovers so be sure to check their site. This is not a sponsored post , I just love bookmooch :)

4 retrospection:

Adobobo said...

Hi. Your post tempted me to become a member of Bookmooch, since I also want to clear shelf space. I have a question, though. Have you tried shipping your books abroad? How much did you spend for the shipping costs?

Raine said...

@adobobo:weee that's good :) i haven't tried yet but a friend told me that it can cost around 1k via air21 to send to the US.you can choose "i will only send within my country" if your hesitant to send abroad though

claire said...

thanks for the post. i just signed in at bookmooch. loving it. :D

Raine said...

@dreamy: welcome to bookmooch! I'll look you up...maybe we can trade books ;)